What do these title/description/keywords/etc. fields mean?
This is the anchor text of the link you'd like to promote. For example, if you would like to rank highly for "woogy boogy", you'd put "woogy boogy" down as the title text. This should be around 8-50 characters and should be 2-5 words.
Description/Short Description:
Just a description of the website ranging from 100-150 characters. This isn't nearly as important as the title tag/anchor text, so don't need to worry about this one too much.
Description/Long Description: Same as the short description except the optimal range should be 400-500 characters.
These are just around 5 tags that are related to your site. Note that this is not the anchor text of your link.
Resource Box:
A summary of yourself or your website. This is the primary means by which you'll gain backlinks in article marketing. For example, if your site is about blue widgets, you'd write something like "Blue Widgets has various types of blue widgets for sale". You can include up to 2 backlinks in each resource box.