
Do the larger packages include the smaller ones?


If you order the 1000 Directory Submissions, it will include all directories in the 50, 150, and 300 directory submissions. The 300 directory submissions would include the ones in the 50 and 150 and so on.


Why are slow submissions more expensive?


Slow submissions take more time to coordinate, which is why there is an extra charge for the overhead. Imagine doing 1 directory submissions per day over 1000 days vs. doing 1000 directory submissions all at once.


Should I submit to the same directory again?


Nope, there is no need to do that.
All the links in the directories are permanent as long as the directory is around (and presuming that your link gets approved), so there is no need to resubmit.


Can you skip directories I've submitted to?


Yes, definitely!
When ordering, please list these directories (one per line) under "Directories To Exclude". We also automatically skip all directories that you have submitted to with us.


Can I submit a subpage (deeplinking)?


Absolutely! We recommend using our Deeplink Directory Submissions for subpages. With these services, we only submit to directories that accept subpage URLs. Doing this ensures that we're maximizing your efforts by not needlessly submitting to websites that do not approve subpages.


Are the pagerank details guaranteed?


With each order, we always submit to the directories available that have the highest PageRank. If we have already submitted your site to a directory, we will exclude it from subsequent submissions, though. Because of this, it is important to note that the PageRank details for directory submissions are only valid for your first effort with us.

For example, if you were to purchase the "50 High PR Directory Submission" service (which claims PR4+ directories) two times, we would deliver the top 50 sites available each time.


What kind of acceptance rate should I expect with this service?


The acceptance rate for Directory Submissions can vary greatly from one order to the next. And, while that rate can reach 20%, some orders may see a rate that is significantly lower. If this is a concern, we would highly recommend considering a service with a more consistent acceptance rate.

Blog Submission

Blog submissions are a great way to increase the exposure and SEO
rankings of your blog.

By using services that are tailored to specifically promote blog websites, you can ensure
that you are boosting your blog's popularity in the most efficient way possible.

With our Directory Submission service, we will submit your blog to various
directories that are setup specifically to catalog blog websites across the internet.

Our RSS Feed Submission service allows you to have your RSS feed URL for your
blog submitted to numerous RSS Feed directories. This can lead to an increase in the
amount of RSS subscribers that your site sees, something that can lead to regular
visitors keeping tabs on all of your site's updates.

Blog Directory Submission

50 Blog Directory Submissions
Completion Time: ~10 Days
$ 250
100 Blog Directory Submissions
Completion Time: ~10 Days
$ 400

RSS Feed Submission

50 RSS Feed Submissions
Completion Time: ~3 Weeks
$ 250