F.A.Q. / General

How do your main tactics work?

Our main services work on building targeted backlinks for your website. We target those backlinks to be built upon specific anchor texts (the words that are hyperlinked), ensuring that those anchor texts are keywords that are relevant to your site. As Google and other search engines discover these backlinks, they will normally start to give your website more credibility on those terms, something that can lead to boosted rankings and, in turn, an increase in organic traffic to your website.

Do you offer a full report when you are done?

Yes, we offer a full report of everything when we complete your order and order systems sends you an email when we start processing, update, or complete your order. For directory submissions and article marketing, we report the directory, PR, and category we picked when we submitted your site while for social engagement, we send you the URLs of the profile pages where you can see your link.

When should I expect to see results?

You should begin to see backlinks right away via Majestic SEO (MajesticSEO.com, a 3rd party site) as the submissions go on. Generally, you'll see keyword ranking improvements using social engagement within a few weeks, while the full results of directory submissions and article marketing will take around 3 months. This is because social engagement links are immediate, while directory submissions and article marketing have an approval process that can take up to a few months, plus it then takes time for Google to find and index those links.

Do you support adult/foreign language type sites? What do you recommend for that?

Yes, we certainly are able to promote adult and foreign language websites. For both of these, we'd recommend directory submissions, social engagement on unique accounts, and article marketing on unique accounts. For foreign websites, the best chance would be to have everything written in English with the link linking to your website. Squidoo/Hubpages would also be a suitable service for foreign language type sites but not for adult sites.